Dearest Hearts,
As always I pray you are well as we continue forward this month into what undoubtedly will prove to be the most defining, undeniable and memorable spans of time to date as humanity and Planet Earth enter a new life cycle and the true shift of our age.
Though for years many used these and similar words to describe similar planetary events, this now has been confirmed by the whole of our Universe and the depth of wisdom within many of our Souls…that the effect of this season of eclipses will initiate an enlightenment phase of the Heart that humanity has yet to experience.
In tandem with the influencing Planets, Star System Sirius, and the sun and moon, comes the undiluted Magnificent Fire of Creation from the Heart of the Creator transmitting acceleration codes that will change the face of humanity and the heart of the world.
Once we have each adapted to such change and become able to hold and ground the frequencies accompanying it, the Wisdom and Love of our hearts will sustain it…grounding unto this Earth a sustainable and unprecedented Spiral of Consciousness serving all beings here now and yet to arrive.
About the Wisdom and Love of Our Hearts
Though we are many embodied Masters we have much to remember about the Wisdom and Love of our hearts. One might wonder why we would have to adapt to something as pure as either?
We don’t know love well nor honor it. Love hasn’t been our unhindered motivating factor through a long enough span of time to rely on it without doubting its absolute knowing.
Long have we lived inside the mind ruled human template with all its distortions, natures, limitations, ego compositions, unrequited love, ancestral lineage, guilt, greed, ignorance of the sacred… and the laws of Karma that governed and influenced us.
Life after life karma governed us, not the Wisdom nor Love of our hearts. We might blame karma as the great interferer of both Wisdom and Love though call it what you might humanity lived in a seemingly unhealable schism for eons of time….far and away from the influences of both.
Life after life great men and great women held seemingly great influence over the world. Through their wisdom and from their hearts great Truths were revealed that could have… might have… altered the state of our hearts and the face of the world. Miracles almost happened. Almost.
Somewhere in between the greatness of what could have been and what became… something changed. Messages were aborted. Visions were lost. Trial became error. Seemingly futile karmic repetition continued while hearts were lost in a sea of pain and separation or shut down far away from their natural, creative, rhythmic, intelligent impulses…and from each other.
Hundreds of times and one at a time we incarnated over and over again to work it out, rarely if ever knowing what working it out meant. Still we came.
Up to this point of time we didn’t have enough of Us harmonized and collaborating to work Love out and influence each other to reach into the unknown and go beyond the linear repetition. We do now… regardless of the unconscious though necessary political/global/linear friction.
Enough of Us both blindly and knowingly came together from one end of this planet to another and from one Star System or another through many pathways to initiate the history of a New Humanity and a New Earth.
Dreams lost will be found once again. Trials will become triumphs. Miracles will happen and hearts once lost in a sea of pain and shut down will discover they are able to open.
All of Us are on the cusp of a dream we have long held for ourselves, each other and our Planet. Freedom. Some will recognize it now… others later.
In a time such as this we must though be aligned with the Wisdom and Love of our own heart…aligned also with the wisdom that comes from a stabilized consciousness…and with the Divine unleashing the most magnificent, undiluted pure codes of Heart Light upon this Earth.
In the days ahead we must insure nothing insightful nor miraculous goes unnoticed, ungrounded nor slips through the cracks. Everything now has heightened purpose. Everything.
Culminating August 21, 2017
Day by day the effects of the energies of this eclipse season mount. They are cumulative…culminating in a powerful concentration of undiluted God/Source energy August 21, 2017, when we enter into the final solar eclipse, also known as the Portal of Totality as written about in last month’s newsletter.
Here is a small portion:
The portal of totality (August 21, 2017) is a powerful transfiguring portal of non-physical Source energy, (Eternal consciousness,) opening and engulfing humanities physical consciousness in an effort to blend with and redirect the limited aspects of humanities consciousness into a new unifying reality.
Benefiting most will be those of pure heart settling into their now changing state of being with corresponding stabilized awareness.
They will have full access to a heightened platform of awareness able, through perception, to eclipse all darkness (that which was previously hidden from their consciousness,) and be moved into the next phase of their New Reality without obstruction.
None will be exempt from this grand activity, though moved to varying degrees based on preparation.
No Matter What It Takes
You walk in tandem now with unfolding Destiny. This is a sacred walk.
This might be the first time when I strongly offer… do not leave one day unattended by your vigilant Higher/Wiser consciousness leading you, or by deep heartfelt considerations regarding all your choices and preferences.
Approach yourself with expanding perception. Who are you now? How are you now? Be curious and interested in you as you are becoming. Day by day you are amongst energies enhancing your perception. Play close attention.
Consciously and in full faith insert yourself into the flow of the New. With hand over heart claim I Am in the New, I Am in the New, I Am in the New as a daily mantra.
Clear your channels; as often as necessary adjust your energy, your emotions and your beliefs. Don’t allow anyone to get the better of you. Minimize all disturbances. Maximize all days of clarity.
You must be the center of your attention now. Calm, Clear, Concentrated. Love you and hold your Self sacred. You are an extraordinary being.
Know you are loved.
Pre-Solar Eclipse Preparation/ Activation and Great Golden Temple Journey
Sunday, August 20, 2017
Click on link below to register
In preparation for the Total Solar Eclipse and your clear engagement with the pure undiluted God/Source energies of that day, I will broadcast a live experience to assist you in using all levels of your consciousness, to open, receive and ground the concentrated energies bringing these magnificent new codes of Light to you and the Earth…and unveiling a New Reality.
Private Sessions
Nothing is more pertinent now than your clarity, your perceptions and aligning with the Wisdom and Love of your True Heart. It deeply matters in the formation of your New Reality. In tandem with the Unified Field of All Love all sessions will focus on your clarification, alignment and unification.
Click here for further information.
May you be blessed every single moment of every single day.
I wish you each love, joy, blessings, clarity and abundance. May grace follow your every step. Know you are loved!