A Supernova of Consciousness, Love and Light Codes
(Also details for So(u)lstice Gathering 6-20-21)
Beloved Hearts,
What a road we have been traveling together. I think of us as Heroes of Mythic Proportion transfiguring an entire Planet and Humanity. No one that came before us took on such a Herculean task and no one could have done it without great Love to accomplish such an unselfish and Mighty undertaking. Sometimes we need that reminder so we can rest in what at times can be great heaviness.
Right now having passed through an epic transfiguring month of May and moving forth into Solstice (preparing us for the Lions Gate,) we find ourselves in the midst of opportunity again, to be initiated further. On this day we receive New Solar Light Codes through the portals of many Suns, Solaris, The Galactic Sun and The Great Central Sun, each assisting us to become a greater harmonic Soul force able to catalyze and synthesize all we have ever been…activate New Solar strands of DNA and widen inner pathways for your Soul to move into body more deeply.
When this occurs each one shall be bathed in the waters of remembrance that brings you to your knees with unparalleled Love for yourself and the realization of the miracle of who you are and why you came. I know this, as I experienced it on May 24. This Soul surge of transformation brings with it as well a supernova of Consciousness. and a renewed desire to give your all to the birthing of a New Earth and a New Humanity.
So(u)lstice Gathering
Solstice represents a significant turning point and unifying force.
Everything is on purpose to assist us to lift into a new Arc of Source Solar Light, Soul Purpose and attunement to the frequency and Consciousness of Holy Light Beings.
On this day we shall gather as One Chalice of Receptive Love… calibrate to the zero point field…harness the accelerated Solar Light Codes and help weave them gracefully in-body. We will also utilize them to widen the internal passageways for Soul embodiment and anchor, through our Earthly bodies, New Solar Light and Love into Gaia.
With Eternal Love,
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.maureenmoss.com
© 2020 Maureen Moss No part of this transmission including artwork, may be reproduced or transferred in any form or by any means without full article, full name and website maureenmoss.com Additionally voice recordings are prohibited by this copyright.