Lift The Light: The Gathering
Powerful Light Activity, Immersion & Activation
Date: Thursday, January 21, 2021
Time: 11:00AM PST/12:00 MTN/1:00 CST/2:00 EST.
Price: $22.00
Replay Available 2 Hours Following Event
WE are in the Biggest Reset in Human History.
Humanity Is In Great Need of More Light.
In a deep meditation with Source I was informed this Light must now come from US.
As Stewards of New Earth and Harbingers of a New Humanity there is a Divine call to action, a responsibility to engage in deliberate ways to lift ourselves, Earth and Humanity to new heights of Love, Peace, and Harmony.
Humanity has reached a critical juncture in their evolution. More United Light is being called for Now. I Am informed; it is by our intention, union and activity To Lift The Light in and through our Sacred Solar Hearts on behalf of humanity and Earth, that WE are lifting the very energies that came to us on Solstice, further empowering our ourselves to BEcome our Higher Selves and influence the whole of Humanity.
Joined by St. Germain
- WE shall gather as ONE United Source Of Light, One United Source of Consciousness.
- WE shall abide in a Higher Frequency and BE the Power and Source of Light.
- WE shall form an Arc of Light across this world.
- WE shall Lift the Light on this Earth and in the field of Humanity.
Right Now This Is Our Purpose of BEing.
And So It Is.
A further Reset of Sovereign Power and Love shall be activated in each One.
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