Soul Connection Revisit – Registration



Soul Connection

The Experiential, Activating, Liberating Journey
4 Part Series

This is the 4 part Replay from the original class to listen to at your leisure.
Price of class was $148.00
Your Price: $22.00

Purchase Below

Your responsibility as Masters is to decipher your uniqueness as a Soul in a
Peaceful Body of Love.


Prepare to begin a distinct relationship with your Soul…In Body and discover Embodied Love in a manner that until now has been a separated experience.
—Maureen Moss


Evolutionary. Maureen Moss is amazing in her living, her teaching and her passion to empower others to “get it.” Soul Connection presented multi-dimensional principals and made them user friendly for daily practice.
—Renee Morgan Brooks

“Soul Connection has been a priceless gift/transmission to me for this time.
Chock full of wisdom and tools to enlighten this journey! Deep Gratitude!”
—Patricia Reeder Copeland

What a beauteous Bounty. I feel different. A unique sense of calm in the middle of chaos.”
—Deborah M.

“I was riveted by the first words and afterward sat there mesmerized and remembering.”
—Suzanne S.